Tube Fires

Have you struggled with how to get rid of those fabric roll cardboard tubes? The garbage collection wouldn’t take them. The trash collection wouldn’t take them. We tried folding them and sticking them in our trash bin but we had so many that we couldn’t fit them all in there along with our regular trash. We finally found a way to get rid of them at the same time as enjoying reaching the end of each fabric roll.

Continue reading “Tube Fires”

Van shelves to keep ladders and drapes in their place

When we would load up the van to do an install, we’d put the ladders in first, a sheet on top of the ladders, and then gently lay the panels, roman shades, valances, or cornices on top.  The tools, steamer, etc. would go wherever there was room.  We knew there had to be a better way.  We tried a few arrangements but weren’t satisfied until we thought of an insert that we could slide in through the back hatch and rest on the folded down seats.  It worked great.  Continue reading “Van shelves to keep ladders and drapes in their place”

Pattern Matching

When constructing drapes that are wider than a single panel, you’ll need to join panels together.  When working with non-patterned fabric, that process is not too complicated.  However, with patterned fabric, you’ll want to make sure that the pattern continues evenly across the seam.  This video shows the process that I use to join patterned fabric to make sure that the patterns match across the seam. Continue reading “Pattern Matching”

New Website

Best wished on this Memorial Day.  Please remember those that risk their lives to protect us and our families.

Today, Gerry and I updated my website.  The old site was several years old and was due for a facelift.  It currently has the same content as before but this new layout will be much easier to update and add to.


At Custom Workroom Conference in Tennessee

For the next three days I’m at the CWC in Murfreesboro, TN.  Drove up this afternoon with my mother.  I have four classes tomorrow, Tuesday is vendor day, and then two more classes on Wednesday .  I’m excited.  Will be a blast.   I’ve been doing draperies for 20 years and there is still so much to learn.  New techniques and new technologies.  I’ll see some of that new technology on the vendor floor and maybe pick up some cool swag.  Stay tuned.


What is this thing called Blogging?

Okay.  This is my very first ever blog.  Turns out it isn’t as hard as I thought it would be.  Nothing to be scared about.  Gerry setup WordPress to work with my website.  I simply have to log in, type up my blog, and click save.  Wow!

Supposedly I can embed images or videos.  This should be pretty cool once I get the hang of it.  Stay tuned.  I’m not sure where this will lead.  Hopefully it will be interesting to me and to you.  Happy sewing!
